Daloopa helps you build and update financial models without hours of manual discovery work or sacrificing data that matter most.
Andy Lee, Managing Partner, Parallaxes Capital
Are you one of the thousands of equity analysts that spend countless hours on manual “monkey work” when building and updating financial models?
Daloopa eliminates manual work so analysts can focus on analysis, insight and generating ideas that outperform.
Daloopa’s data sheets provide a complete picture of a company’s performance, including historical financials, key drivers, risks, forward-looking insights, and sector trends, all with customizable visualizations to make analysis effortless. Download the NVIDIA data sheet to see these insights in action for yourself.
“Look at how I can click on the number and boom! I am in the 10Q. I can scroll through and read it or just make sure the numbers are correct. That’s what I love about Daloopa the most.”
Top Tier Hedge Fund – Long/Short
“Accuracy is the absolute most important thing to me with data. What is great is that I can click to every source and make sure it is accurate. It is reassuring when I bring the data into my model with Daloopa.”
Top 5 US-based Mutual Fund
“I manage 30 models and the most stressful time is during earnings. I get faster updates with Daloopa than other tools I’ve used, which means I can spend time analyzing and prepping for calls.”
Equity Research Team, Investment Bank
Daloopa delivers data by excel data sheet download or a direct feed straight into your own model.
Download the full data sheets to initiate coverage easily or simply add as a tab into your existing model.
Install the Add-in to easily link your existing model to our database and update numbers with one click every earnings period.
Three flexible ways to access Daloopa data.
Get started on your own (no sales people!) and download 5 free models to kick start your model building and updating.
Install the Add-in to easily link your existing model to our database and update numbers with one click every earnings period.
Get all the benefits of Daloopa Standard, plus instant filing updates and incremental KPI updates to stay one step ahead during earnings.
See why top-performing analysts rely on Daloopa to accelerate their model workflows and create more time for alpha-generating insights!